►Ng2o | |
►Ncsparse_extension | |
CSparseMatrixEntry | |
CSparseMatrixEntryColSort | |
►Ndeprecated | |
CCacheCamera | |
CCacheSE3Offset | Caching the offset related to a vertex |
CEdgeSE3 | 3D edge between two VertexSE3 |
CEdgeSE3Offset | Offset edge |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZ | |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZDepth | |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZDisparity | |
CEdgeSE3Prior | |
CEdgeSE3WriteGnuplotAction | |
CParameterCamera | Parameters for a camera |
CParameterSE3Offset | Offset for an SE3 |
CVertexPointXYZ | |
CVertexPointXYZWriteGnuplotAction | |
CVertexSE3 | 3D pose Vertex, (x,y,z,qw,qx,qy,qz) the parameterization for the increments constructed is a 6d vector (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz) (note that we leave out the w part of the quaternion |
CVertexSE3WriteGnuplotAction | |
►Ninternal | |
►Ng2o | |
►Nopengl | |
CGLUWrapper | Handle the GLU quadratic |
►Ntutorial | |
CCacheSE2Offset | |
CEdgeSE2 | 2D edge between two Vertex2, i.e., the odometry |
CEdgeSE2PointXY | |
CParameterSE2Offset | |
CRand | Generate random numbers |
CSE2 | |
►CSimulator | |
CGridEdge | Odometry constraint |
CGridPose | |
CLandmark | Simulated landmark |
CLandmarkEdge | |
CVertexPointXY | |
CVertexSE2 | 2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta) |
CAbstractHyperGraphElementCreator | Abstract interface for allocating HyperGraphElement |
CAbstractOptimizationAlgorithmCreator | Base for allocating an optimization algorithm |
CAbstractRobustKernelCreator | Abstract interface for allocating a robust kernel |
CBackBoneTreeAction | |
CBaseBinaryEdge | |
CBaseEdge | |
CBaseEdge<-1, E > | |
►CBaseMultiEdge | Base class to represent an edge connecting an arbitrary number of nodes |
CHessianHelper | Helper for mapping the Hessian memory of the upper triangular block |
►CBaseMultiEdge<-1, E > | |
CHessianHelper | Helper for mapping the Hessian memory of the upper triangular block |
CBaseProperty | |
CBaseRobot | |
CBaseSensor | |
CBaseUnaryEdge | |
CBaseVertex | Templatized BaseVertex |
CBaseWorldObject | |
CBinarySensor | |
CBlockSolver | Implementation of a solver operating on the blocks of the Hessian |
CBlockSolverBase | Base for the block solvers with some basic function interfaces |
CBlockSolverTraits | Traits to summarize the properties of the fixed size optimization problem |
CBlockSolverTraits< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | Traits to summarize the properties of the dynamic size optimization problem |
►CCache | |
CCacheKey | |
CCacheCamera | |
CCacheContainer | |
CCacheSE2Offset | Caching the offset related to a vertex |
CCacheSE3Offset | Caching the offset related to a vertex |
CCameraParameters | |
CCholmodExt | Our extension of the CHOLMOD matrix struct |
CCholmodSolverCreator | |
CClosedFormCalibration | Simultaneous calibration of the laser offest and the parameters of a differential drive |
CCmpPairFirst | |
CColSort | |
►CCommandArgs | Command line parsing of argc and argv |
CCommandArgument | |
CCSparseExt | Our C++ version of the csparse struct |
CCSparseSolverCreator | |
CDataQueue | Simple queue to store data and retrieve based on a timestamp |
CDenseSolverCreator | |
CDlWrapper | Loading libraries during run-time |
►CDrawAction | Draw actions |
CParameters | |
CEdge_V_V_GICP | |
CEdge_XYZ_VSC | Point vertex, XYZ, is in types_sba |
►CEdgeCreator | |
CEdgeCreatorEntry | |
CEdgeGICP | |
CEdgeLabeler | |
CEdgeLine2D | |
CEdgeLine2DPointXY | |
CEdgeLine3D | |
CEdgeNormal | |
CEdgePlane | |
CEdgePointXY | |
CEdgePointXYZ | |
CEdgeProjectP2MC | |
CEdgeProjectP2MC_Intrinsics | |
CEdgeProjectP2SC | |
CEdgeProjectPSI2UV | |
CEdgeProjectXYZ2UV | |
CEdgeProjectXYZ2UVU | |
CEdgeSBACam | 3D edge between two SBAcam |
CEdgeSBAScale | Edge between two SBAcam that specifies the distance between them |
CEdgeSE2 | 2D edge between two Vertex2 |
CEdgeSE2Line2D | |
CEdgeSE2LotsOfXY | |
CEdgeSE2OdomDifferentialCalib | |
CEdgeSE2Offset | Offset edge |
CEdgeSE2PointXY | |
CEdgeSE2PointXYBearing | |
CEdgeSE2PointXYBearingWriteGnuplotAction | |
CEdgeSE2PointXYCalib | Landmark measurement that also calibrates an offset for the landmark measurement |
CEdgeSE2PointXYOffset | |
CEdgeSE2PointXYWriteGnuplotAction | |
CEdgeSE2Prior | Prior for a two D pose |
CEdgeSE2PureCalib | Calibrate odometry and laser based on a set of measurements |
CEdgeSE2Segment2D | |
CEdgeSE2Segment2DLine | |
CEdgeSE2Segment2DPointLine | |
CEdgeSE2SensorCalib | Scanmatch measurement that also calibrates an offset for the laser |
CEdgeSE2TwoPointsXY | |
CEdgeSE2WriteGnuplotAction | |
CEdgeSE2XYPrior | Prior for a two D pose with constraints only in xy direction (like gps) |
CEdgeSE3 | Edge between two 3D pose vertices |
CEdgeSE3Calib | Landmark measurement that also calibrates an offset for the landmark measurement |
CEdgeSE3Euler | 3D edge between two VertexSE3, uses the euler angle parameterization for the read/write functions only |
CEdgeSE3Expmap | 6D edge between two Vertex6 |
CEdgeSE3Line3D | |
CEdgeSE3LotsOfXYZ | |
CEdgeSE3Offset | Offset edge |
CEdgeSE3PlaneSensorCalib | Plane measurement that also calibrates an offset for the sensor |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZ | G2o edge from a track to a point node |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZDepth | |
CEdgeSE3PointXYZDisparity | Edge from a track to a depth camera node using a disparity measurement |
CEdgeSE3Prior | Prior for an SE3 element |
CEdgeSE3WriteGnuplotAction | Output the pose-pose constraint to Gnuplot data file |
CEdgeSim3 | 7D edge between two Vertex7 |
CEdgeSim3ProjectXYZ | |
CEdgeTypesCostFunction | |
CEigenSolverCreator | |
►CEstimatePropagator | Propagation of an initial guess |
CAdjacencyMapEntry | Data structure for loopuk during Dijkstra |
CPriorityQueue | Priority queue for AdjacencyMapEntry |
CPropagateAction | Applying the action for propagating |
CVertexIDHashFunction | Hash function for a vertex |
CEstimatePropagatorCost | Cost for traversing along active edges in the optimizer |
CEstimatePropagatorCostOdometry | Cost for traversing only odometry edges |
►CFactory | Create vertices and edges based on TAGs in, for example, a file |
CCreatorInformation | |
CForceLinker | |
CG2OBatchStatistics | Statistics about the optimization |
CG2oQGLViewer | OpenGL based viewer for the graph |
CG2oSlamInterface | |
CGaussianSampler | |
CGm2dlIO | Read / write gm2dl file into / out of a SparseOptimizer |
CGuiHyperGraphAction | Action which calls an GUI update after each iteration |
►CHyperDijkstra | |
CAdjacencyMapEntry | |
CCostFunction | |
CTreeAction | |
►CHyperGraph | |
CData | Data packet for a vertex. Extend this class to store in the vertices the potential additional information you need (e.g. images, laser scans, ...) |
CDataContainer | Container class that implements an interface for adding/removing Data elements in a linked list |
CEdge | |
CHyperGraphElement | |
CVertex | Abstract Vertex, your types must derive from that one |
►CHyperGraphAction | Abstract action that operates on an entire graph |
CParameters | |
CParametersIteration | |
CHyperGraphActionLibrary | Library of actions, indexed by the action name; |
►CHyperGraphElementAction | Abstract action that operates on a graph entity |
CParameters | |
CHyperGraphElementActionCollection | Collection of actions |
CHyperGraphElementCreator | Templatized creator class which creates graph elements |
CJacobianWorkspace | Provide memory workspace for computing the Jacobians |
CLaserParameters | Parameters for a 2D range finder |
CLine2D | |
CLine3D | |
CLinearSolver | Basic solver for Ax = b |
CLinearSolverCCS | Solver with faster iterating structure for the linear matrix |
CLinearSolverCholmod | Basic solver for Ax = b which has to reimplemented for different linear algebra libraries |
CLinearSolverCholmodOnline | Linear solver which allows to update the cholesky factor |
CLinearSolverCholmodOnlineInterface | Generic interface for the online solver |
CLinearSolverCSparse | Linear solver which uses CSparse |
CLinearSolverDense | Linear solver using dense cholesky decomposition |
►CLinearSolverEigen | Linear solver which uses the sparse Cholesky solver from Eigen |
CCholeskyDecomposition | Sub-classing Eigen's SimplicialLDLT to perform ordering with a given ordering |
CLinearSolverPCG | Linear solver using PCG, pre-conditioner is block Jacobi |
CMarginalCovarianceCholesky | Computing the marginal covariance given a cholesky factor (lower triangle of the factor) |
CMatrixElem | |
CMatrixStructure | Representing the structure of a matrix in column compressed structure (only the upper triangular part of the matrix) |
CMotionInformation | |
CMotionMeasurement | A 2D odometry measurement expressed as a transformation |
COdomAndLaserMotion | |
COdomConvert | Convert between the different types of odometry measurements |
COnlineEdgeSE2 | |
COnlineEdgeSE3 | |
COnlineVertexSE2 | |
COnlineVertexSE3 | |
COpenMPMutex | |
►COptimizableGraph | |
CEdge | |
CEdgeIDCompare | Order edges based on the internal ID, which is assigned to the edge in addEdge() |
CVertex | A general case Vertex for optimization |
CVertexIDCompare | Order vertices based on their ID |
COptimizationAlgorithm | Generic interface for a non-linear solver operating on a graph |
COptimizationAlgorithmDogleg | Implementation of Powell's Dogleg Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmFactory | Create solvers based on their short name |
COptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton | Implementation of the Gauss Newton Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg | Implementation of the Levenberg Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmProperty | Describe the properties of a solver |
COptimizationAlgorithmWithHessian | Base for solvers operating on the approximated Hessian, e.g., Gauss-Newton, Levenberg |
CParameter | |
CParameterCamera | Parameters for a camera |
CParameterContainer | Map id to parameters |
CParameterSE2Offset | Offset for an SE2 |
CParameterSE3Offset | Offset for an SE3 |
CParameterStereoCamera | Parameters for a camera |
CPCGSolverCreator | |
CPlane3D | |
CPointSensorParameters | |
CProperty | |
CPropertyMap | Collection of properties mapping from name to the property itself |
CRawLaser | Raw laser measuerement |
CRegisterActionProxy | |
CRegisterOptimizationAlgorithmProxy | |
CRegisterRobustKernelProxy | |
CRegisterTypeProxy | |
CRobot | |
CRobotData | Data recorded by the robot |
CRobotLaser | Laser measurement obtained by a robot |
CRobustKernel | Base for all robust cost functions |
CRobustKernelCauchy | Cauchy cost function |
CRobustKernelCreator | Templatized creator class which creates graph elements |
CRobustKernelDCS | Dynamic covariance scaling - DCS |
CRobustKernelFactory | Create robust kernels based on their human readable name |
CRobustKernelFair | Fair cost function |
CRobustKernelGemanMcClure | Geman-McClure cost function |
CRobustKernelHuber | Huber Cost Function |
CRobustKernelPseudoHuber | Pseudo Huber Cost Function |
CRobustKernelSaturated | Saturated cost function |
CRobustKernelScaleDelta | Scale a robust kernel to another delta (window size) |
CRobustKernelTukey | Tukey Cost Function |
CRobustKernelWelsch | Welsch cost function |
CRunG2OViewer | Wrapper for running the g2o viewer |
CSampler | |
CSBACam | |
CScopedArray | Scoped pointer for an array, i.e., array will be deleted on leaving the scope |
CScopedOpenMPMutex | Lock a mutex within a scope |
CScopedPointer | Scoped pointer for an objectarray, i.e., object will be deleted on leaving the scope |
CScopedTictoc | Simplify calls to tictoc() for a whole scope |
CScopeTime | Class to measure the time spent in a scope |
CSE2 | Represent SE2 |
CSE3Quat | |
CSensorOdometry | |
CSensorOdometry2D | |
CSensorOdometry3D | |
CSensorPointLine3D | |
CSensorPointXY | |
CSensorPointXYBearing | |
CSensorPointXYOffset | |
CSensorPointXYZ | |
CSensorPointXYZDepth | |
CSensorPointXYZDisparity | |
CSensorPose2D | |
CSensorPose3D | |
CSensorPose3DOffset | |
CSensorSE3Prior | |
CSensorSegment2D | |
CSensorSegment2DLine | |
CSensorSegment2DPointLine | |
CSigmaPoint | |
CSim3 | |
CSLAM2DLinearSolverCreator | |
CSlam2DViewer | |
CSleepThread | Helper for calling usleep on any system using Qt |
CSolver | Generic interface for a sparse solver operating on a graph which solves one iteration of the linearized objective function |
CSolverSLAM2DLinear | Implementation of a linear approximation for 2D pose graph SLAM |
CSparseBlockMatrix | Sparse matrix which uses blocks |
►CSparseBlockMatrixCCS | Sparse matrix which uses blocks |
CRowBlock | A block within a column |
CSparseBlockMatrixDiagonal | Sparse matrix which uses blocks on the diagonal |
CSparseBlockMatrixHashMap | Sparse matrix which uses blocks based on hash structures |
CSparseOptimizer | |
CSparseOptimizerIncremental | |
CSparseOptimizerOnline | |
CSparseOptimizerTerminateAction | Stop iterating based on the gain which is (oldChi - currentChi) / currentChi |
CStar | |
CStructureOnlyCreator | |
CStructureOnlySolver | This is a solver for "structure-only" optimization" |
CThetaTreeAction | Compute the initial guess of theta while travelling along the MST |
CTicTocElement | Internal structure of the tictoc profiling |
CTicTocInitializer | Helper for printing the struct at the end of the lifetime of the program |
CUnarySensor | |
CUniformCostFunction | |
CVelocityMeasurement | Velocity measurement of a differential robot |
CVertexCam | SBACam Vertex, (x,y,z,qw,qx,qy,qz) the parameterization for the increments constructed is a 6d vector (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz) (note that we leave out the w part of the quaternion. qw is assumed to be positive, otherwise there is an ambiguity in qx,qy,qz as a rotation |
CVertexEllipse | String ellipse to be attached to a vertex |
CVertexIntrinsics | Vertex encoding the intrinsics of the camera fx, fy, cx, xy, baseline; |
CVertexLine2D | |
CVertexLine3D | |
CVertexOdomDifferentialParams | |
CVertexPlane | |
CVertexPointXY | |
CVertexPointXYWriteGnuplotAction | |
CVertexPointXYZ | Vertex for a tracked point in space |
CVertexPointXYZWriteGnuplotAction | |
CVertexSBAPointXYZ | Point vertex, XYZ |
CVertexSCam | Stereo camera vertex, derived from SE3 class. Note that we use the actual pose of the vertex as its parameterization, rather than the transform from RW to camera coords. Uses static vars for camera params, so there is a single camera setup |
CVertexSE2 | 2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta) |
CVertexSE2WriteGnuplotAction | |
CVertexSE3 | 3D pose Vertex, represented as an Isometry3D |
CVertexSE3Euler | 3D pose Vertex, (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) the internal parameterization is the same as veretx_se3_quat. Only the read/write operations are rewritten to input/output euler angles |
CVertexSE3Expmap | SE3 Vertex parameterized internally with a transformation matrix and externally with its exponential map |
CVertexSE3WriteGnuplotAction | Write the vertex to some Gnuplot data file |
CVertexSegment2D | |
CVertexSegment2DWriteGnuplotAction | |
CVertexSim3Expmap | Sim3 Vertex, (x,y,z,qw,qx,qy,qz) the parameterization for the increments constructed is a 7d vector (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz) (note that we leave out the w part of the quaternion |
CVertexTag | String tag to be attached to a vertex |
CWorld | |
CWorldObject | |
►CWriteGnuplotAction | |
CParameters | |
►NSlamParser | |
CAbstractSlamInterface | Interface for communicating with the SLAM algorithm |
CAddEdge | |
CAddNode | |
CCommandNode | |
CDriver | |
CFixNode | |
Clocation | Abstract a location |
►CParser | A Bison parser |
Csemantic_type | Symbol semantic values |
Ctoken | Tokens |
CParserInterface | Top-level interface to the parser |
Cposition | Abstract a position |
CQueryState | |
CScanner | |
CSlamContext | |
CSlamContextInterface | |
Cslice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
CSolveSate | |
Cstack | |
CEdgeCalib | |
CEdgeInformation | Store the information parsed from a g2o file |
CEdgeObservationBAL | Edge representing the observation of a world feature by a camera |
CEdgePointOnCircle | Measurement for a point on the circle |
CEdgePointOnCurve | Measurement for a point on the curve |
CEdgeProjectDepth | G2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity) |
CEdgeProjectDepth | G2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity) |
CEdgeSE2TrackXYZ | G2o edge from a track to a point node |
CEdgeSE3TrackXYZ | G2o edge from a track to a point node |
CExampleSlamInterface | Example for an interface to a SLAM algorithm |
CFlexLexer | |
CGPSObservationEdgePositionVelocity3D | |
CGPSObservationPosition3DEdge | |
CIncrementalEdgesCompare | Sort Edges for inserting them sequentially |
CInvChi2CostFunction | |
CLineInfo | |
CMainWindow | Main window of the g2o viewer |
CPlaneItem | |
CPlaneSensor | |
CPositionVelocity3DEdge | |
CPropertiesWidget | |
CRobot | |
CRotationMatrix2QuaternionManifold | Functor used to compute the Jacobian via AD |
CSample | |
CSensor | |
CSimulator | |
CSimulatorItem | |
CSolution | |
CStreamRedirect | Redirect a stream to a QPlainTextEdit |
CTargetOdometry3DEdge | |
CVertexBaseline | |
CVertexCameraBAL | Camera vertex which stores the parameters for a pinhole camera |
CVertexCircle | Circle located at x,y with radius r |
CVertexParams | Params, a, b, and lambda for a * exp(-lambda * t) + b |
CVertexPointBAL | 3D world feature |
CVertexPosition3D | |
CVertexPositionVelocity3D | |
CVertexVelocity3D | |
CViewerPropertiesWidget | |
CWorldItem | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
CyyFlexLexer | |