Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CEdgeInformationStore the information parsed from a g2o file
 CEdgeObservationBALEdge representing the observation of a world feature by a camera
 CEdgePointOnCircleMeasurement for a point on the circle
 CEdgePointOnCurveMeasurement for a point on the curve
 CEdgeProjectDepthG2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity)
 CEdgeProjectDepthG2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity)
 CEdgeSE2TrackXYZG2o edge from a track to a point node
 CEdgeSE3TrackXYZG2o edge from a track to a point node
 CExampleSlamInterfaceExample for an interface to a SLAM algorithm
 CIncrementalEdgesCompareSort Edges for inserting them sequentially
 CMainWindowMain window of the g2o viewer
 CRotationMatrix2QuaternionManifoldFunctor used to compute the Jacobian via AD
 CStreamRedirectRedirect a stream to a QPlainTextEdit
 CVertexCameraBALCamera vertex which stores the parameters for a pinhole camera
 CVertexCircleCircle located at x,y with radius r
 CVertexParamsParams, a, b, and lambda for a * exp(-lambda * t) + b
 CVertexPointBAL3D world feature