Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Attributes | List of all members
g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline Class Reference

#include <graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h>

Inheritance diagram for g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 SparseOptimizerOnline (bool pcg=false)
virtual ~SparseOptimizerOnline ()
int optimize (int iterations, bool online=false)
virtual bool updateInitialization (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset, HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
void update (double *update)
virtual bool initSolver (int dimension, int batchEveryN)
virtual void gnuplotVisualization ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::SparseOptimizer
 SparseOptimizer ()
virtual ~SparseOptimizer ()
virtual bool initializeOptimization (HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
virtual bool initializeOptimization (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset, int level=0)
virtual bool initializeOptimization (int level=0)
virtual void computeInitialGuess ()
virtual void computeInitialGuess (EstimatePropagatorCost &propagator)
virtual void setToOrigin ()
bool computeMarginals (SparseBlockMatrix< MatrixXD > &spinv, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &blockIndices)
bool computeMarginals (SparseBlockMatrix< MatrixXD > &spinv, const Vertex *vertex)
bool computeMarginals (SparseBlockMatrix< MatrixXD > &spinv, const VertexContainer &vertices)
virtual VertexfindGauge ()
 finds a gauge in the graph to remove the undefined dof. More...
bool gaugeFreedom ()
double activeChi2 () const
double activeRobustChi2 () const
bool verbose () const
 verbose information during optimization More...
void setVerbose (bool verbose)
void setForceStopFlag (bool *flag)
bool * forceStopFlag () const
bool terminate ()
 if external stop flag is given, return its state. False otherwise More...
const VertexContainerindexMapping () const
 the index mapping of the vertices More...
const VertexContaineractiveVertices () const
 the vertices active in the current optimization More...
const EdgeContaineractiveEdges () const
 the edges active in the current optimization More...
virtual bool removeVertex (HyperGraph::Vertex *v, bool detach=false)
VertexContainer::const_iterator findActiveVertex (const OptimizableGraph::Vertex *v) const
EdgeContainer::const_iterator findActiveEdge (const OptimizableGraph::Edge *e) const
const OptimizationAlgorithmalgorithm () const
 the solver used by the optimizer More...
OptimizationAlgorithmsolver ()
void setAlgorithm (OptimizationAlgorithm *algorithm)
void push (SparseOptimizer::VertexContainer &vlist)
 push the estimate of a subset of the variables onto a stack More...
void push (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vlist)
 push the estimate of a subset of the variables onto a stack More...
void push ()
 push all the active vertices onto a stack More...
void pop (SparseOptimizer::VertexContainer &vlist)
 pop (restore) the estimate a subset of the variables from the stack More...
void pop (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vlist)
 pop (restore) the estimate a subset of the variables from the stack More...
void pop ()
 pop (restore) the estimate of the active vertices from the stack More...
void discardTop (SparseOptimizer::VertexContainer &vlist)
 ignore the latest stored element on the stack, remove it from the stack but do not restore the estimate More...
void discardTop ()
 same as above, but for the active vertices More...
virtual void clear ()
void computeActiveErrors ()
const BatchStatisticsContainerbatchStatistics () const
BatchStatisticsContainerbatchStatistics ()
void setComputeBatchStatistics (bool computeBatchStatistics)
bool computeBatchStatistics () const
bool addComputeErrorAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 add an action to be executed before the error vectors are computed More...
bool removeComputeErrorAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 remove an action that should no longer be execured before computing the error vectors More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph
Vertexvertex (int id)
 returns the vertex number id appropriately casted More...
const Vertexvertex (int id) const
 returns the vertex number id appropriately casted More...
 OptimizableGraph ()
 empty constructor More...
virtual ~OptimizableGraph ()
void addGraph (OptimizableGraph *g)
 adds all edges and vertices of the graph g to this graph. More...
virtual bool addVertex (HyperGraph::Vertex *v, Data *userData)
virtual bool addVertex (HyperGraph::Vertex *v)
virtual bool addEdge (HyperGraph::Edge *e)
virtual bool setEdgeVertex (HyperGraph::Edge *e, int pos, HyperGraph::Vertex *v)
double chi2 () const
 returns the chi2 of the current configuration More...
int maxDimension () const
 return the maximum dimension of all vertices in the graph More...
std::set< int > dimensions () const
virtual void preIteration (int)
 called at the beginning of an iteration (argument is the number of the iteration) More...
virtual void postIteration (int)
 called at the end of an iteration (argument is the number of the iteration) More...
bool addPreIterationAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 add an action to be executed before each iteration More...
bool addPostIterationAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 add an action to be executed after each iteration More...
bool removePreIterationAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 remove an action that should no longer be execured before each iteration More...
bool removePostIterationAction (HyperGraphAction *action)
 remove an action that should no longer be execured after each iteration More...
virtual bool load (std::istream &is, bool createEdges=true)
 load the graph from a stream. Uses the Factory singleton for creating the vertices and edges. More...
bool load (const char *filename, bool createEdges=true)
virtual bool save (std::ostream &os, int level=0) const
 save the graph to a stream. Again uses the Factory system. More...
bool save (const char *filename, int level=0) const
 function provided for convenience, see save() above More...
bool saveSubset (std::ostream &os, HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset, int level=0)
 save a subgraph to a stream. Again uses the Factory system. More...
bool saveSubset (std::ostream &os, HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
 save a subgraph to a stream. Again uses the Factory system. More...
virtual void discardTop (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset)
 ignore the latest stored element on the stack, remove it from the stack but do not restore the estimate More...
virtual void setFixed (HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset, bool fixed)
 fixes/releases a set of vertices More...
void setRenamedTypesFromString (const std::string &types)
bool isSolverSuitable (const OptimizationAlgorithmProperty &solverProperty, const std::set< int > &vertDims=std::set< int >()) const
virtual void clearParameters ()
bool addParameter (Parameter *p)
Parameterparameter (int id)
bool verifyInformationMatrices (bool verbose=false) const
bool saveVertex (std::ostream &os, Vertex *v) const
bool saveParameter (std::ostream &os, Parameter *v) const
bool saveEdge (std::ostream &os, Edge *e) const
bool saveUserData (std::ostream &os, HyperGraph::Data *v) const
JacobianWorkspacejacobianWorkspace ()
 the workspace for storing the Jacobians of the graph More...
const JacobianWorkspacejacobianWorkspace () const
ParameterContainerparameters ()
const ParameterContainerparameters () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::HyperGraph
 HyperGraph ()
 constructs an empty hyper graph More...
virtual ~HyperGraph ()
 destroys the hyper-graph and all the vertices of the graph More...
Vertexvertex (int id)
 returns a vertex id in the hyper-graph, or 0 if the vertex id is not present More...
const Vertexvertex (int id) const
 returns a vertex id in the hyper-graph, or 0 if the vertex id is not present More...
virtual bool removeEdge (Edge *e)
 removes a vertex from the graph. Returns true on success (edge was present) More...
const VertexIDMapvertices () const
VertexIDMapvertices ()
const EdgeSetedges () const
EdgeSetedges ()
virtual bool mergeVertices (Vertex *vBig, Vertex *vSmall, bool erase)
virtual bool detachVertex (Vertex *v)
virtual bool changeId (Vertex *v, int newId)

Public Attributes

int slamDimension
bool batchStep
bool vizWithGnuplot
- Public Attributes inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph
class G2O_CORE_API Vertex
class G2O_CORE_API Edge
- Public Attributes inherited from g2o::HyperGraph
class G2O_CORE_API Data
class G2O_CORE_API DataContainer
class G2O_CORE_API Vertex
class G2O_CORE_API Edge

Protected Attributes

FILE * _gnuplot
bool _usePcg
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::SparseOptimizer
bool * _forceStopFlag
bool _verbose
VertexContainer _ivMap
VertexContainer _activeVertices
 sorted according to VertexIDCompare More...
EdgeContainer _activeEdges
 sorted according to EdgeIDCompare More...
BatchStatisticsContainer _batchStatistics
 global statistics of the optimizer, e.g., timing, num-non-zeros More...
bool _computeBatchStatistics
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph
std::map< std::string, std::string > _renamedTypesLookup
long long _nextEdgeId
std::vector< HyperGraphActionSet_graphActions
bool _edge_has_id
ParameterContainer _parameters
JacobianWorkspace _jacobianWorkspace
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::HyperGraph
VertexIDMap _vertices
EdgeSet _edges

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from g2o::SparseOptimizer
- Public Types inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph
typedef std::set< HyperGraphAction * > HyperGraphActionSet
typedef std::vector< OptimizableGraph::Vertex * > VertexContainer
 vector container for vertices More...
typedef std::vector< OptimizableGraph::Edge * > EdgeContainer
 vector container for edges More...
- Public Types inherited from g2o::HyperGraph
typedef std::bitset< HyperGraph::HGET_NUM_ELEMS > GraphElemBitset
typedef std::set< Edge * > EdgeSet
typedef std::set< Vertex * > VertexSet
typedef std::unordered_map< int, Vertex * > VertexIDMap
typedef std::vector< Vertex * > VertexContainer
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph
static bool initMultiThreading ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from g2o::HyperGraph
static const int UnassignedId = -1
static const int InvalidId = -2
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g2o::SparseOptimizer
void sortVectorContainers ()
bool buildIndexMapping (SparseOptimizer::VertexContainer &vlist)
void clearIndexMapping ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::SparseOptimizerOnline ( bool  pcg = false)
g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::~SparseOptimizerOnline ( )

Definition at line 69 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References _gnuplot.

70 {
71  if (_gnuplot) {
72 #ifdef WINDOWS
73  _pclose(_gnuplot);
74 #else
75  pclose(_gnuplot);
76 #endif
77  }
78 }

Member Function Documentation

void g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::gnuplotVisualization ( )

Definition at line 239 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References _gnuplot, g2o::HyperGraph::edges(), slamDimension, g2o::SE2::translation(), g2o::OnlineVertexSE3::updatedEstimate, g2o::OnlineVertexSE2::updatedEstimate, and g2o::HyperGraph::Edge::vertices().

Referenced by optimize().

240 {
241  if (slamDimension == 3) {
242  if (! _gnuplot) {
243 #ifdef WINDOWS
244  _gnuplot = _popen("gnuplot -persistent", "w");
245 #else
246  _gnuplot = popen("gnuplot -persistent", "w");
247 #endif
248  if (_gnuplot == 0)
249  return;
250  fprintf(_gnuplot, "set terminal X11 noraise\n");
251  fprintf(_gnuplot, "set size ratio -1\n");
252  }
253  fprintf(_gnuplot, "plot \"-\" w l\n");
254  for (EdgeSet::iterator it = edges().begin(); it != edges().end(); ++it) {
255  OnlineEdgeSE2* e = (OnlineEdgeSE2*) *it;
256  OnlineVertexSE2* v1 = (OnlineVertexSE2*) e->vertices()[0];
257  OnlineVertexSE2* v2 = (OnlineVertexSE2*) e->vertices()[1];
258  fprintf(_gnuplot, "%f %f\n", v1->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), v1->updatedEstimate.translation().y());
259  fprintf(_gnuplot, "%f %f\n\n", v2->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), v2->updatedEstimate.translation().y());
260  }
261  fprintf(_gnuplot, "e\n");
262  }
263  if (slamDimension == 6) {
264  if (! _gnuplot) {
265 #ifdef WINDOWS
266  _gnuplot = _popen("gnuplot -persistent", "w");
267 #else
268  _gnuplot = popen("gnuplot -persistent", "w");
269 #endif
270  if (_gnuplot == 0)
271  return;
272  fprintf(_gnuplot, "set terminal X11 noraise\n");
273  }
274  fprintf(_gnuplot, "splot \"-\" w l\n");
275  for (EdgeSet::iterator it = edges().begin(); it != edges().end(); ++it) {
276  OnlineEdgeSE3* e = (OnlineEdgeSE3*) *it;
277  OnlineVertexSE3* v1 = (OnlineVertexSE3*) e->vertices()[0];
278  OnlineVertexSE3* v2 = (OnlineVertexSE3*) e->vertices()[1];
279  fprintf(_gnuplot, "%f %f %f\n", v1->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), v1->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), v1->updatedEstimate.translation().z());
280  fprintf(_gnuplot, "%f %f %f \n\n\n", v2->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), v2->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), v2->updatedEstimate.translation().z());
281  }
282  fprintf(_gnuplot, "e\n");
283  }
284 }
const EdgeSet & edges() const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:230
bool g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::initSolver ( int  dimension,
int  batchEveryN 

Reimplemented in g2o::SparseOptimizerIncremental.

Definition at line 206 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References _underlyingSolver, _usePcg, g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmFactory::construct(), g2o::createSolver(), g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmFactory::instance(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::setAlgorithm(), slamDimension, and g2o::SparseOptimizer::solver().

Referenced by g2o::G2oSlamInterface::addNode().

207 {
208  slamDimension = dimension;
209  OptimizationAlgorithmFactory* solverFactory = OptimizationAlgorithmFactory::instance();
210  OptimizationAlgorithmProperty solverProperty;
211  if (_usePcg) {
212  Solver* s = 0;
213  if (dimension == 3) {
214  s = createSolver("pcg3_2");
215  } else {
216  s = createSolver("pcg6_3");
217  }
218  OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton* gaussNewton = new OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton(s);
219  setAlgorithm(gaussNewton);
220  }
221  else {
222  if (dimension == 3) {
223  setAlgorithm(solverFactory->construct("gn_fix3_2_cholmod", solverProperty));
224  } else {
225  setAlgorithm(solverFactory->construct("gn_fix6_3_cholmod", solverProperty));
226  }
227  }
229  OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton* gaussNewton = dynamic_cast<OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton*>(solver());
230  _underlyingSolver = gaussNewton->solver();
232  if (! solver()) {
233  cerr << "Error allocating solver. Allocating CHOLMOD solver failed!" << endl;
234  return false;
235  }
236  return true;
237 }
static OptimizationAlgorithm * createSolver(const std::string &solverName)
OptimizationAlgorithm * solver()
void setAlgorithm(OptimizationAlgorithm *algorithm)
static OptimizationAlgorithmFactory * instance()
return the instance
int g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::optimize ( int  iterations,
bool  online = false 

starts one optimization run given the current configuration of the graph, and the current settings stored in the class instance. It can be called only after initializeOptimization

Reimplemented from g2o::SparseOptimizer.

Definition at line 80 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, g2o::SparseOptimizer::_activeEdges, g2o::SparseOptimizer::_algorithm, _underlyingSolver, _usePcg, g2o::SparseOptimizer::activeChi2(), g2o::Solver::b(), batchStep, g2o::Solver::buildStructure(), g2o::Solver::buildSystem(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::colInHessian(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::computeActiveErrors(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::computeError(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::constructQuadraticForm(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::copyB(), gnuplotVisualization(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::indexMapping(), g2o::OptimizationAlgorithm::init(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::jacobianWorkspace(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::linearizeOplus(), newEdges, g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::setEstimate(), slamDimension, g2o::Solver::solve(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::solver(), update(), g2o::OnlineVertexSE3::updatedEstimate, g2o::OnlineVertexSE2::updatedEstimate, g2o::SparseOptimizer::verbose(), g2o::HyperGraph::vertices(), vizWithGnuplot, and g2o::Solver::x().

Referenced by g2o::G2oSlamInterface::solve().

81 {
82  //return SparseOptimizer::optimize(iterations, online);
84  (void) iterations; // we only do one iteration anyhow
87  int cjIterations=0;
88  bool ok=true;
90  solver->init(online);
91  if (!online) {
93  if (! ok) {
94  cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Failure while building CCS structure" << endl;
95  return 0;
96  }
97  }
99  if (_usePcg)
100  batchStep = true;
102  if (! online || batchStep) {
103  //cerr << "BATCH" << endl;
104  //_underlyingSolver->buildStructure();
105  // copy over the updated estimate as new linearization point
106  if (slamDimension == 3) {
107  for (size_t i = 0; i < indexMapping().size(); ++i) {
108  OnlineVertexSE2* v = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE2*>(indexMapping()[i]);
109  v->setEstimate(v->updatedEstimate);
110  }
111  }
112  else if (slamDimension == 6) {
113  for (size_t i=0; i < indexMapping().size(); ++i) {
114  OnlineVertexSE3* v = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE3*>(indexMapping()[i]);
115  v->setEstimate(v->updatedEstimate);
116  }
117  }
120  //SparseOptimizer::linearizeSystem();
122  }
123  else {
124  //cerr << "UPDATE" << endl;
125  // compute the active errors for the required edges
126  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator it = newEdges->begin(); it != newEdges->end(); ++it) {
127  OptimizableGraph::Edge * e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*it);
128  e->computeError();
129  }
130  // linearize the constraints and update the Hessian
131  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator it = newEdges->begin(); it != newEdges->end(); ++it) {
132  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*it);
133  e->linearizeOplus(jacobianWorkspace());
134  e->constructQuadraticForm();
135  }
136  // update the b vector
137  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
139  int iBase = v->colInHessian();
140  v->copyB(_underlyingSolver->b() + iBase);
141  }
142  }
143  ok = _underlyingSolver->solve();
146  ++cjIterations;
148  if (verbose()){
150  cerr
151  << "nodes = " << vertices().size()
152  << "\t edges= " << _activeEdges.size()
153  << "\t chi2= " << FIXED(activeChi2())
154  << endl;
155  }
157  if (vizWithGnuplot)
160  if (! ok)
161  return 0;
162  return 1;
163 }
Definition: macros.h:89
virtual bool init(bool online=false)=0
OptimizationAlgorithm * solver()
class G2O_CORE_API OptimizationAlgorithm
const VertexIDMap & vertices() const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:225
JacobianWorkspace & jacobianWorkspace()
the workspace for storing the Jacobians of the graph
class G2O_CORE_API Vertex
class G2O_CORE_API Edge
const VertexContainer & indexMapping() const
the index mapping of the vertices
EdgeContainer _activeEdges
sorted according to EdgeIDCompare
virtual bool solve()=0
double * x()
return x, the solution vector
Definition: solver.h:96
double * b()
return b, the right hand side of the system
Definition: solver.h:99
virtual bool buildSystem()=0
bool verbose() const
verbose information during optimization
OptimizationAlgorithm * _algorithm
virtual bool buildStructure(bool zeroBlocks=false)=0
double activeChi2() const
void g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::update ( double *  update)

Definition at line 165 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References g2o::SparseOptimizer::_ivMap, g2o::OnlineVertexSE3::oplusUpdatedEstimate(), g2o::OnlineVertexSE2::oplusUpdatedEstimate(), and slamDimension.

Referenced by optimize().

166 {
167  if (slamDimension == 3) {
168  for (size_t i=0; i < _ivMap.size(); ++i) {
169  OnlineVertexSE2* v= static_cast<OnlineVertexSE2*>(_ivMap[i]);
170  v->oplusUpdatedEstimate(update);
171  update += 3;
172  }
173  }
174  else if (slamDimension == 6) {
175  for (size_t i=0; i < _ivMap.size(); ++i) {
176  OnlineVertexSE3* v= static_cast<OnlineVertexSE3*>(_ivMap[i]);
177  v->oplusUpdatedEstimate(update);
178  update += 6;
179  }
180  }
181 }
VertexContainer _ivMap
bool g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::updateInitialization ( HyperGraph::VertexSet vset,
HyperGraph::EdgeSet eset 

HACK updating the internal structures for online processing

Reimplemented from g2o::SparseOptimizer.

Reimplemented in g2o::SparseOptimizerIncremental.

Definition at line 183 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.cpp.

References g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::clearQuadraticForm(), newEdges, and g2o::SparseOptimizer::updateInitialization().

Referenced by g2o::G2oSlamInterface::solve().

184 {
185  newEdges = &eset;
186  bool result = SparseOptimizer::updateInitialization(vset, eset);
187  for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = vset.begin(); it != vset.end(); ++it) {
188  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(*it);
189  v->clearQuadraticForm(); // be sure that b is zero for this vertex
190  }
191  return result;
192 }
virtual bool updateInitialization(HyperGraph::VertexSet &vset, HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
class G2O_CORE_API Vertex

Member Data Documentation

FILE* g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::_gnuplot

Definition at line 62 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by gnuplotVisualization(), and ~SparseOptimizerOnline().

Solver* g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::_underlyingSolver

Definition at line 64 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by initSolver(), and optimize().

bool g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::_usePcg

Definition at line 63 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by initSolver(), and optimize().

bool g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::batchStep

Definition at line 56 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by optimize(), and g2o::G2oSlamInterface::solve().

HyperGraph::EdgeSet* g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::newEdges

Definition at line 54 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by optimize(), and updateInitialization().

int g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::slamDimension

Definition at line 52 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by gnuplotVisualization(), initSolver(), optimize(), and update().

bool g2o::SparseOptimizerOnline::vizWithGnuplot

Definition at line 57 of file graph_optimizer_sparse_online.h.

Referenced by main(), and optimize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: