Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cg2o::AbstractHyperGraphElementCreatorAbstract interface for allocating HyperGraphElement
 Cg2o::AbstractOptimizationAlgorithmCreatorBase for allocating an optimization algorithm
 Cg2o::AbstractRobustKernelCreatorAbstract interface for allocating a robust kernel
 CSlamParser::AbstractSlamInterfaceInterface for communicating with the SLAM algorithm
 Cg2o::EstimatePropagator::AdjacencyMapEntryData structure for loopuk during Dijkstra
 Cg2o::BlockSolverTraits< _PoseDim, _LandmarkDim >Traits to summarize the properties of the fixed size optimization problem
 Cg2o::BlockSolverTraits< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >Traits to summarize the properties of the dynamic size optimization problem
 Cg2o::ClosedFormCalibrationSimultaneous calibration of the laser offest and the parameters of a differential drive
 Cg2o::CmpPairFirst< T1, T2, Pred >
 Cg2o::CommandArgsCommand line parsing of argc and argv
 Cg2o::HyperGraph::DataContainerContainer class that implements an interface for adding/removing Data elements in a linked list
 Cg2o::DataQueueSimple queue to store data and retrieve based on a timestamp
 Cg2o::DlWrapperLoading libraries during run-time
 Cg2o::OptimizableGraph::EdgeIDCompareOrder edges based on the internal ID, which is assigned to the edge in addEdge()
 CEdgeInformationStore the information parsed from a g2o file
 CEdgeProjectDepthG2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity)
 CEdgeProjectDepthG2o edge from a track to a depth camera node using a depth measurement (true distance, not disparity)
 CEdgeSE2TrackXYZG2o edge from a track to a point node
 CEdgeSE3TrackXYZG2o edge from a track to a point node
 Cg2o::EstimatePropagatorPropagation of an initial guess
 Cg2o::EstimatePropagatorCostCost for traversing along active edges in the optimizer
 Cg2o::FactoryCreate vertices and edges based on TAGs in, for example, a file
 Cg2o::G2OBatchStatisticsStatistics about the optimization
 Cg2o::GaussianSampler< SampleType, CovarianceType >
 Cg2o::GaussianSampler< typename EdgeType::ErrorVector, InformationType >
 Cg2o::opengl::GLUWrapperHandle the GLU quadratic
 Cg2o::Gm2dlIORead / write gm2dl file into / out of a SparseOptimizer
 Cg2o::tutorial::Simulator::GridEdgeOdometry constraint
 Cg2o::BaseMultiEdge< D, E >::HessianHelperHelper for mapping the Hessian memory of the upper triangular block
 Cg2o::BaseMultiEdge<-1, E >::HessianHelperHelper for mapping the Hessian memory of the upper triangular block
 Cg2o::HyperGraphActionAbstract action that operates on an entire graph
 Cg2o::HyperGraphActionLibraryLibrary of actions, indexed by the action name;
 Cg2o::HyperGraphElementActionAbstract action that operates on a graph entity
 CIncrementalEdgesCompareSort Edges for inserting them sequentially
 Cg2o::JacobianWorkspaceProvide memory workspace for computing the Jacobians
 Cg2o::tutorial::Simulator::LandmarkSimulated landmark
 Cg2o::LaserParametersParameters for a 2D range finder
 Cg2o::LinearSolver< MatrixType >Basic solver for Ax = b
 Cg2o::LinearSolver< PoseMatrixType >
 Cg2o::LinearSolverCholmodOnlineInterfaceGeneric interface for the online solver
 CSlamParser::locationAbstract a location
 Cg2o::MarginalCovarianceCholeskyComputing the marginal covariance given a cholesky factor (lower triangle of the factor)
 Cg2o::MatrixStructureRepresenting the structure of a matrix in column compressed structure (only the upper triangular part of the matrix)
 Cg2o::MotionMeasurementA 2D odometry measurement expressed as a transformation
 Cg2o::OdomConvertConvert between the different types of odometry measurements
 Cg2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGeneric interface for a non-linear solver operating on a graph
 Cg2o::OptimizationAlgorithmFactoryCreate solvers based on their short name
 Cg2o::OptimizationAlgorithmPropertyDescribe the properties of a solver
 CSlamParser::ParserA Bison parser
 CSlamParser::ParserInterfaceTop-level interface to the parser
 CSlamParser::positionAbstract a position
 Cg2o::EstimatePropagator::PropagateActionApplying the action for propagating
 Cg2o::tutorial::RandGenerate random numbers
 Cg2o::RegisterActionProxy< T >
 Cg2o::RegisterRobustKernelProxy< T >
 Cg2o::RegisterTypeProxy< T >
 Cg2o::RobustKernelBase for all robust cost functions
 Cg2o::RobustKernelFactoryCreate robust kernels based on their human readable name
 CRotationMatrix2QuaternionManifoldFunctor used to compute the Jacobian via AD
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixCCS< MatrixType >::RowBlockA block within a column
 Cg2o::RunG2OViewerWrapper for running the g2o viewer
 Cg2o::ScopedArray< T >Scoped pointer for an array, i.e., array will be deleted on leaving the scope
 Cg2o::ScopedOpenMPMutexLock a mutex within a scope
 Cg2o::ScopedPointer< T, Del >Scoped pointer for an objectarray, i.e., object will be deleted on leaving the scope
 Cg2o::ScopedTictocSimplify calls to tictoc() for a whole scope
 Cg2o::ScopeTimeClass to measure the time spent in a scope
 Cg2o::SE2Represent SE2
 CSlamParser::Parser::semantic_typeSymbol semantic values
 Cg2o::SigmaPoint< SampleType >
 CSlamParser::slice< T, S >Present a slice of the top of a stack
 Cg2o::SolverGeneric interface for a sparse solver operating on a graph which solves one iteration of the linearized objective function
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrix< MatrixType >Sparse matrix which uses blocks
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrix< Eigen::MatrixXd >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrix< LandmarkMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrix< PoseLandmarkMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrix< PoseMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixCCS< MatrixType >Sparse matrix which uses blocks
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixCCS< PoseLandmarkMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixCCS< PoseMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixDiagonal< MatrixType >Sparse matrix which uses blocks on the diagonal
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixDiagonal< LandmarkMatrixType >
 Cg2o::SparseBlockMatrixHashMap< MatrixType >Sparse matrix which uses blocks based on hash structures
 CSlamParser::stack< T, S >
 CSlamParser::stack< location_type >
 CSlamParser::stack< semantic_type >
 CSlamParser::stack< state_type >
 Cg2o::TicTocElementInternal structure of the tictoc profiling
 Cg2o::TicTocInitializerHelper for printing the struct at the end of the lifetime of the program
 Cg2o::VelocityMeasurementVelocity measurement of a differential robot
 Cg2o::OptimizableGraph::VertexIDCompareOrder vertices based on their ID
 Cg2o::EstimatePropagator::VertexIDHashFunctionHash function for a vertex