Classes | Functions | Variables
sclam_pure_calibration.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <csignal>
#include <fstream>
#include "sclam_helpers.h"
#include "gm2dl_io.h"
#include "motion_information.h"
#include "closed_form_calibration.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/macros.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/color_macros.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/command_args.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/filesys_tools.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/string_tools.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/timeutil.h"
#include "g2o/core/sparse_optimizer.h"
#include "g2o/core/hyper_dijkstra.h"
#include "g2o/types/sclam2d/vertex_odom_differential_params.h"
#include "g2o/types/sclam2d/odometry_measurement.h"
#include "edge_se2_pure_calib.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam2d/vertex_se2.h"
#include "g2o/types/data/robot_laser.h"
#include "g2o/types/data/data_queue.h"
Include dependency graph for sclam_pure_calibration.cpp:

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class  VertexBaseline
class  EdgeCalib


int main (int argc, char **argv)


static Eigen::Vector2d linearSolution

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 100 of file sclam_pure_calibration.cpp.

References g2o::OptimizableGraph::addEdge(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::addVertex(), g2o::allocateSolverForSclam(), g2o::DataQueue::buffer(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::clear(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::computeActiveErrors(), g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::estimate(), g2o::DataQueue::findClosestData(), g2o::SE2::fromVector(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::initializeOptimization(), g2o::SE2::inverse(), g2o::MotionInformation::laserMotion, g2o::RobotLaser::laserPose(), linearSolution, g2o::MotionMeasurement::measurement(), g2o::MotionInformation::odomMotion, g2o::RobotLaser::odomPose(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(), g2o::CommandArgs::param(), g2o::CommandArgs::paramLeftOver(), g2o::CommandArgs::parseArgs(), g2o::SE2::rotation(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::save(), g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::setEstimate(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::setFixed(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::setId(), g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >::setInformation(), g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >::setMeasurement(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::setVerbose(), g2o::HyperGraph::Edge::setVertex(), g2o::VelocityMeasurement::setVl(), g2o::VelocityMeasurement::setVr(), g2o::MotionInformation::timeInterval, g2o::RobotData::timestamp(), g2o::SE2::toVector(), g2o::SE2::translation(), g2o::OdomAndLaserMotion::velocityMeasurement, g2o::VelocityMeasurement::vl(), and g2o::VelocityMeasurement::vr().

101 {
102  bool fixLaser;
103  int maxIterations;
104  bool verbose;
105  string inputFilename;
106  string outputfilename;
107  string rawFilename;
108  string odomTestFilename;
109  string dumpGraphFilename;
110  // command line parsing
111  CommandArgs commandLineArguments;
112  commandLineArguments.param("i", maxIterations, 10, "perform n iterations");
113  commandLineArguments.param("v", verbose, false, "verbose output of the optimization process");
114  commandLineArguments.param("o", outputfilename, "", "output final version of the graph");
115  commandLineArguments.param("test", odomTestFilename, "", "apply odometry calibration to some test data");
116  commandLineArguments.param("dump", dumpGraphFilename, "", "write the graph to the disk");
117  commandLineArguments.param("fixLaser", fixLaser, false, "keep the laser offset fixed during optimization");
118  commandLineArguments.paramLeftOver("gm2dl-input", inputFilename, "", "gm2dl file which will be processed");
119  commandLineArguments.paramLeftOver("raw-log", rawFilename, "", "raw log file containing the odometry");
121  commandLineArguments.parseArgs(argc, argv);
123  SparseOptimizer optimizer;
124  optimizer.setVerbose(verbose);
126  allocateSolverForSclam(optimizer);
128  // loading
129  DataQueue odometryQueue;
130  int numLaserOdom = Gm2dlIO::readRobotLaser(rawFilename, odometryQueue);
131  if (numLaserOdom == 0) {
132  cerr << "No raw information read" << endl;
133  return 0;
134  }
135  cerr << "Read " << numLaserOdom << " laser readings from file" << endl;
137  Eigen::Vector3d odomCalib(1., 1., 1.);
138  SE2 initialLaserPose;
139  DataQueue robotLaserQueue;
140  int numRobotLaser = Gm2dlIO::readRobotLaser(inputFilename, robotLaserQueue);
141  if (numRobotLaser == 0) {
142  cerr << "No robot laser read" << endl;
143  return 0;
144  } else {
145  RobotLaser* rl = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(robotLaserQueue.buffer().begin()->second);
146  initialLaserPose = rl->odomPose().inverse() * rl->laserPose();
147  cerr << PVAR(initialLaserPose.toVector().transpose()) << endl;
148  }
150  // adding the measurements
151  vector<MotionInformation, Eigen::aligned_allocator<MotionInformation> > motions;
152  {
153  std::map<double, RobotData*>::const_iterator it = robotLaserQueue.buffer().begin();
154  std::map<double, RobotData*>::const_iterator prevIt = it++;
155  for (; it != robotLaserQueue.buffer().end(); ++it) {
157  RobotLaser* prevLaser = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(prevIt->second);
158  RobotLaser* curLaser = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(it->second);
159  mi.laserMotion = prevLaser->laserPose().inverse() * curLaser->laserPose();
160  // get the motion of the robot in that time interval
161  RobotLaser* prevOdom = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(odometryQueue.findClosestData(prevLaser->timestamp()));
162  RobotLaser* curOdom = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(odometryQueue.findClosestData(curLaser->timestamp()));
163  mi.odomMotion = prevOdom->odomPose().inverse() * curOdom->odomPose();
164  mi.timeInterval = prevOdom->timestamp() - curOdom->timestamp();
165  prevIt = it;
166  motions.push_back(mi);
167  }
168  }
170  if (1) {
171  VertexSE2* laserOffset = new VertexSE2;
172  laserOffset->setId(Gm2dlIO::ID_LASERPOSE);
173  laserOffset->setEstimate(initialLaserPose);
174  optimizer.addVertex(laserOffset);
176  odomParamsVertex->setId(Gm2dlIO::ID_ODOMCALIB);
177  odomParamsVertex->setEstimate(Eigen::Vector3d(1., 1., 1.));
178  optimizer.addVertex(odomParamsVertex);
179  for (size_t i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i) {
180  const SE2& odomMotion = motions[i].odomMotion;
181  const SE2& laserMotion = motions[i].laserMotion;
182  const double& timeInterval = motions[i].timeInterval;
183  // add the edge
184  MotionMeasurement mm(odomMotion.translation().x(), odomMotion.translation().y(), odomMotion.rotation().angle(), timeInterval);
185  OdomAndLaserMotion meas;
186  meas.velocityMeasurement = OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(mm);
187  meas.laserMotion = laserMotion;
188  EdgeSE2PureCalib* calibEdge = new EdgeSE2PureCalib;
189  calibEdge->setVertex(0, laserOffset);
190  calibEdge->setVertex(1, odomParamsVertex);
191  calibEdge->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());
192  calibEdge->setMeasurement(meas);
193  if (! optimizer.addEdge(calibEdge)) {
194  cerr << "Error adding calib edge" << endl;
195  delete calibEdge;
196  }
197  }
199  if (fixLaser) {
200  cerr << "Fix position of the laser offset" << endl;
201  laserOffset->setFixed(true);
202  }
204  cerr << "\nPerforming full non-linear estimation" << endl;
205  optimizer.initializeOptimization();
206  optimizer.computeActiveErrors();
207  optimizer.optimize(maxIterations);
208  cerr << "Calibrated laser offset (x, y, theta):" << laserOffset->estimate().toVector().transpose() << endl;
209  odomCalib = odomParamsVertex->estimate();
210  cerr << "Odometry parameters (scaling factors (v_l, v_r, b)): " << odomParamsVertex->estimate().transpose() << endl;
211  optimizer.clear();
212  }
214  // linear least squares for some parameters
215  {
216  Eigen::MatrixXd A(motions.size(), 2);
217  Eigen::VectorXd x(motions.size());
218  for (size_t i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i) {
219  const SE2& odomMotion = motions[i].odomMotion;
220  const SE2& laserMotion = motions[i].laserMotion;
221  const double& timeInterval = motions[i].timeInterval;
222  MotionMeasurement mm(odomMotion.translation().x(), odomMotion.translation().y(), odomMotion.rotation().angle(), timeInterval);
223  VelocityMeasurement velMeas = OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(mm);
224  A(i, 0) = velMeas.vl() * timeInterval;
225  A(i, 1) = velMeas.vr() * timeInterval;
226  x(i) = laserMotion.rotation().angle();
227  }
228  //linearSolution = (A.transpose() * A).inverse() * A.transpose() * x;
229  linearSolution = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(x);
230  //cout << PVAR(linearSolution.transpose()) << endl;
231  }
233  //constructing non-linear least squares
234  VertexSE2* laserOffset = new VertexSE2;
235  laserOffset->setId(Gm2dlIO::ID_LASERPOSE);
236  laserOffset->setEstimate(initialLaserPose);
237  optimizer.addVertex(laserOffset);
238  VertexBaseline* odomParamsVertex = new VertexBaseline;
239  odomParamsVertex->setId(Gm2dlIO::ID_ODOMCALIB);
240  odomParamsVertex->setEstimate(1.);
241  optimizer.addVertex(odomParamsVertex);
242  for (size_t i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i) {
243  const SE2& odomMotion = motions[i].odomMotion;
244  const SE2& laserMotion = motions[i].laserMotion;
245  const double& timeInterval = motions[i].timeInterval;
246  // add the edge
247  MotionMeasurement mm(odomMotion.translation().x(), odomMotion.translation().y(), odomMotion.rotation().angle(), timeInterval);
248  OdomAndLaserMotion meas;
249  meas.velocityMeasurement = OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(mm);
250  meas.laserMotion = laserMotion;
251  EdgeCalib* calibEdge = new EdgeCalib;
252  calibEdge->setVertex(0, laserOffset);
253  calibEdge->setVertex(1, odomParamsVertex);
254  calibEdge->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());
255  calibEdge->setMeasurement(meas);
256  if (! optimizer.addEdge(calibEdge)) {
257  cerr << "Error adding calib edge" << endl;
258  delete calibEdge;
259  }
260  }
262  if (fixLaser) {
263  cerr << "Fix position of the laser offset" << endl;
264  laserOffset->setFixed(true);
265  }
267  cerr << "\nPerforming partial non-linear estimation" << endl;
268  optimizer.initializeOptimization();
269  optimizer.computeActiveErrors();
270  optimizer.optimize(maxIterations);
271  cerr << "Calibrated laser offset (x, y, theta):" << laserOffset->estimate().toVector().transpose() << endl;
272  odomCalib(0) = -1. * linearSolution(0) * odomParamsVertex->estimate();
273  odomCalib(1) = linearSolution(1) * odomParamsVertex->estimate();
274  odomCalib(2) = odomParamsVertex->estimate();
275  cerr << "Odometry parameters (scaling factors (v_l, v_r, b)): " << odomCalib.transpose() << endl;
277  {
278  SE2 closedFormLaser;
279  Eigen::Vector3d closedFormOdom;
280  ClosedFormCalibration::calibrate(motions, closedFormLaser, closedFormOdom);
281  cerr << "\nObtaining closed form solution" << endl;
282  cerr << "Calibrated laser offset (x, y, theta):" << closedFormLaser.toVector().transpose() << endl;
283  cerr << "Odometry parameters (scaling factors (v_l, v_r, b)): " << closedFormOdom.transpose() << endl;
284  }
286  if (dumpGraphFilename.size() > 0) {
287  cerr << "Writing " << dumpGraphFilename << " ... ";
288  optimizer.save(dumpGraphFilename.c_str());
289  cerr << "done." << endl;
290  }
292  // optional input of a separate file for applying the odometry calibration
293  if (odomTestFilename.size() > 0) {
295  DataQueue testRobotLaserQueue;
296  int numTestOdom = Gm2dlIO::readRobotLaser(odomTestFilename, testRobotLaserQueue);
297  if (numTestOdom == 0) {
298  cerr << "Unable to read test data" << endl;
299  } else {
301  ofstream rawStream("odometry_raw.txt");
302  ofstream calibratedStream("odometry_calibrated.txt");
303  RobotLaser* prev = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(testRobotLaserQueue.buffer().begin()->second);
304  SE2 prevCalibratedPose = prev->odomPose();
306  for (DataQueue::Buffer::const_iterator it = testRobotLaserQueue.buffer().begin(); it != testRobotLaserQueue.buffer().end(); ++it) {
307  RobotLaser* cur = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(it->second);
308  assert(cur);
310  double dt = cur->timestamp() - prev->timestamp();
311  SE2 motion = prev->odomPose().inverse() * cur->odomPose();
313  // convert to velocity measurement
314  MotionMeasurement motionMeasurement(motion.translation().x(), motion.translation().y(), motion.rotation().angle(), dt);
315  VelocityMeasurement velocityMeasurement = OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(motionMeasurement);
317  // apply calibration
318  VelocityMeasurement calibratedVelocityMeasurment = velocityMeasurement;
319  calibratedVelocityMeasurment.setVl(odomCalib(0) * calibratedVelocityMeasurment.vl());
320  calibratedVelocityMeasurment.setVr(odomCalib(1) * calibratedVelocityMeasurment.vr());
321  MotionMeasurement mm = OdomConvert::convertToMotion(calibratedVelocityMeasurment, odomCalib(2));
323  // combine calibrated odometry with the previous pose
324  SE2 remappedOdom;
325  remappedOdom.fromVector(mm.measurement());
326  SE2 calOdomPose = prevCalibratedPose * remappedOdom;
328  // write output
329  rawStream << prev->odomPose().translation().x() << " " << prev->odomPose().translation().y() << " " << prev->odomPose().rotation().angle() << endl;
330  calibratedStream << calOdomPose.translation().x() << " " << calOdomPose.translation().y() << " " << calOdomPose.rotation().angle() << endl;
332  prevCalibratedPose = calOdomPose;
333  prev = cur;
334  }
335  }
337  }
339  return 0;
340 }
const SE2 & odomPose() const
Definition: robot_laser.h:53
const Vector3D & measurement() const
const Buffer & buffer() const
Definition: data_queue.h:56
Command line parsing of argc and argv.
Definition: command_args.h:46
Vector3D toVector() const
convert to a 3D vector (x, y, theta)
Definition: se2.h:108
laser measurement obtained by a robot
Definition: robot_laser.h:42
int optimize(int iterations, bool online=false)
calibrate odometry and laser based on a set of measurements
represent SE2
Definition: se2.h:40
virtual void setMeasurement(const Measurement &m)
Definition: base_edge.h:76
2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta)
Definition: vertex_se2.h:41
static Eigen::Vector2d linearSolution
void setVertex(size_t i, Vertex *v)
Definition: hyper_graph.h:194
double timestamp() const
Definition: robot_data.h:47
SE2 laserPose() const
Definition: robot_laser.h:52
VelocityMeasurement velocityMeasurement
virtual void setId(int id)
sets the id of the node in the graph be sure that the graph keeps consistent after changing the id ...
bool parseArgs(int argc, char **argv, bool exitOnError=true)
virtual bool save(std::ostream &os, int level=0) const
save the graph to a stream. Again uses the Factory system.
const Eigen::Rotation2Dd & rotation() const
rotational component
Definition: se2.h:58
void setVerbose(bool verbose)
velocity measurement of a differential robot
void fromVector(const Vector3D &v)
assign from a 3D vector (x, y, theta)
Definition: se2.h:103
void paramLeftOver(const std::string &name, std::string &p, const std::string &defValue, const std::string &desc, bool optional=false)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void setInformation(const InformationType &information)
Definition: base_edge.h:69
A 2D odometry measurement expressed as a transformation.
void param(const std::string &name, bool &p, bool defValue, const std::string &desc)
void setEstimate(const EstimateType &et)
set the estimate for the vertex also calls updateCache()
Definition: base_vertex.h:101
a simple queue to store data and retrieve based on a timestamp
Definition: data_queue.h:40
void allocateSolverForSclam(SparseOptimizer &optimizer, bool levenberg)
const EstimateType & estimate() const
return the current estimate of the vertex
Definition: base_vertex.h:99
SE2 inverse() const
invert :-)
Definition: se2.h:82
void setFixed(bool fixed)
true => this node should be considered fixed during the optimization
virtual bool initializeOptimization(HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
RobotData * findClosestData(double timestamp) const
Definition: data_queue.cpp:41
const Vector2D & translation() const
translational component
Definition: se2.h:54
virtual bool addEdge(HyperGraph::Edge *e)
virtual bool addVertex(HyperGraph::Vertex *v, Data *userData)

Variable Documentation

Eigen::Vector2d linearSolution