Classes | Functions | Variables
g2o-unfold.cpp File Reference
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "g2o/types/slam2d/types_three_dof.h"
#include "g2o/types/sba/types_six_dof_expmap.h"
#include "g2o/types/sim3/types_seven_dof_expmap.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam3d/types_six_dof_quat.h"
#include "g2o/types/sba/types_sba.h"
#include "g2o/core/estimate_propagator.h"
#include "g2o/core/sparse_optimizer.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/macros.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/command_args.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/filesys_tools.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/string_tools.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "g2o/core/block_solver.h"
#include "g2o/solvers/cholmod/linear_solver_cholmod.h"
#include "g2o/solvers/csparse/linear_solver_csparse.h"
#include "g2o/solvers/pcg/linear_solver_pcg.h"
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struct  InvChi2CostFunction
struct  IncrementalEdgesCompare
 Sort Edges for inserting them sequentially. More...


void updateDisplay (ostream &os, const SparseOptimizer &optimizer)
SparseOptimizer::Method str2method (const std::string &strMethod)
template<typename T >
T::LinearSolverType * allocateLinearSolver (bool useCholmod)
Solverstr2solver (const std::string &strSolver_, SparseOptimizer *opt)
void gnudump_edges (string gnudump, string file_suffix, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator begin, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator end, bool dumpEdges, bool dumpFeatures)
void gnudump_features (string gnudump, string file_suffix, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator begin, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator end)
void sigquit_handler (int q __attribute__((unused)))
int main (int argc, char **argv)


bool hasToStop =false

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
T::LinearSolverType* allocateLinearSolver ( bool  useCholmod)

Definition at line 153 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

154 {
155  if (useCholmod) {
158 #else
159  return 0;
160 #endif
161  } else {
163  }
164 }
linear solver which uses CSparse
basic solver for Ax = b which has to reimplemented for different linear algebra libraries ...
void gnudump_edges ( string  gnudump,
string  file_suffix,
HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator  begin,
HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator  end,
bool  dumpEdges,
bool  dumpFeatures 

Definition at line 220 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

References g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::chi2(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::computeError(), g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::estimate(), g2o::formatString(), g2o::getFileExtension(), g2o::getPureFilename(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::robustKernel(), and g2o::SE2::toVector().

Referenced by main().

225  {
227  // -------
228  if (gnudump.size() > 0) {
229  string baseName = getPureFilename(gnudump);
230  string extension = getFileExtension(gnudump);
231  string newFilename = formatString("%s_%s.%s", baseName.c_str(), file_suffix.c_str(), extension.c_str());
233  cerr << "Gnudump (" << newFilename << ")... ";
236  ofstream fout(newFilename.c_str());
238  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator eit = begin; eit != end; ++eit) {
240  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(const_cast<HyperGraph::Edge*>(*eit));
241  e->computeError();
242  if(e->robustKernel())
243  e->robustifyError();
244  double edgeChi2 = e->chi2();
246  const VertexSE2* from = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>((*eit)->vertex(0));
247  const VertexSE2* to = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>((*eit)->vertex(1));
249  if(dumpEdges) {
250  if (from && to) {
251  Vector3d p1 = from->estimate().toVector();
252  Vector3d p2 = to->estimate().toVector();
253  fout << p1[0] << " " << p1[1] << " " << p1[2] << " " << edgeChi2 << " " << endl;
254  fout << p2[0] << " " << p2[1] << " " << p1[2] << " " << edgeChi2 << " " << endl;
255  fout << endl;
256  continue;
257  }
258  }
260  if(dumpFeatures) {
261  const VertexPointXY* tox = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>((*eit)->vertex(1));
262  if (from && tox) {
263  Vector3d p1 = from->estimate().toVector();
264  Vector2d p2 = tox->estimate();
265  fout << p1[0] << " " << p1[1] << " " << p1[2] << " " << edgeChi2 << " " << endl;
266  fout << p2[0] << " " << p2[1] << " " << edgeChi2 << " " << endl;
267  fout << endl;
268  continue;
269  }
270  }
273  }
274  fout.close();
275  cerr << " done" << endl;
276  }
277 }
std::string getFileExtension(const std::string &filename)
Vector3D toVector() const
convert to a 3D vector (x, y, theta)
Definition: se2.h:108
bool dumpEdges(std::ostream &os, const OptimizableGraph &optimizer)
virtual double chi2() const =0
computes the chi2 based on the cached error value, only valid after computeError has been called...
2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta)
Definition: vertex_se2.h:41
std::string formatString(const char *fmt,...)
RobustKernel * robustKernel() const
if NOT NULL, error of this edge will be robustifed with the kernel
virtual void computeError()=0
std::string getPureFilename(const std::string &filename)
const EstimateType & estimate() const
return the current estimate of the vertex
Definition: base_vertex.h:99
void gnudump_features ( string  gnudump,
string  file_suffix,
HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator  begin,
HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator  end 

Definition at line 279 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

References g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::chi2(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::computeError(), g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::estimate(), g2o::formatString(), g2o::getFileExtension(), g2o::getPureFilename(), and g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::robustKernel().

Referenced by main().

282  {
284  // -------
285  if (gnudump.size() > 0) {
286  string baseName = getPureFilename(gnudump);
287  string extension = getFileExtension(gnudump);
288  string newFilename = formatString("%s_%s.%s", baseName.c_str(), file_suffix.c_str(), extension.c_str());
290  cerr << "Gnudump (" << newFilename << ")... ";
293  ofstream fout(newFilename.c_str());
295  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator eit = begin; eit != end; ++eit) {
297  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*eit);
298  e->computeError();
299  if(e->robustKernel())
300  e->robustifyError();
301  double edgeChi2 = e->chi2();
303  const VertexPointXY* tox = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>((*eit)->vertex(1));
304  if (tox) {
305  Vector2d p2 = tox->estimate();
306  fout << p2[0] << " " << p2[1] << " " << edgeChi2 << " " << endl;
307  continue;
308  }
309  }
310  fout.close();
311  cerr << " done" << endl;
312  }
313 }
std::string getFileExtension(const std::string &filename)
virtual double chi2() const =0
computes the chi2 based on the cached error value, only valid after computeError has been called...
std::string formatString(const char *fmt,...)
RobustKernel * robustKernel() const
if NOT NULL, error of this edge will be robustifed with the kernel
virtual void computeError()=0
std::string getPureFilename(const std::string &filename)
const EstimateType & estimate() const
return the current estimate of the vertex
Definition: base_vertex.h:99
int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 324 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

References g2o::OptimizableGraph::addEdge(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::addVertex(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::chi2(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::chi2(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::computeError(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::dimension(), g2o::HyperGraph::Vertex::edges(), g2o::HyperGraph::edges(), g2o::findConnectedEdgesWithCostLimit(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::fixed(), g2o::get_monotonic_time(), gnudump_edges(), gnudump_features(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::initializeOptimization(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::load(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Vertex::marginalized(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::optimize(), g2o::CommandArgs::param(), g2o::CommandArgs::paramLeftOver(), g2o::CommandArgs::parseArgs(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge::robustKernel(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::save(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::setForceStopFlag(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::setRenamedTypesFromString(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::solver(), str2method(), str2solver(), updateDisplay(), g2o::SparseOptimizer::verbose(), g2o::HyperGraph::Edge::vertex(), g2o::OptimizableGraph::vertex(), vertices, and g2o::HyperGraph::vertices().

325 {
326  int maxIterations;
327  bool verbose;
328  string inputFilename;
329  string gnudump;
330  string outputfilename;
331  string strMethod;
332  string strSolver;
333  string loadLookup;
334  bool initialGuess;
335  bool marginalize;
336  bool listTypes;
337  bool incremental;
338  bool guiOut;
339  double lambdaInit;
340  int updateGraphEachN = 10;
341  string statsFile;
342  // command line parsing
343  CommandArgs arg;
344  arg.param("i", maxIterations, 5, "perform n iterations");
345  arg.param("v", verbose, false, "verbose output of the optimization process");
346  arg.param("guess", initialGuess, false, "initial guess based on spanning tree");
347  arg.param("inc", incremental, false, "run incremetally");
348  arg.param("update", updateGraphEachN, 10, "updates afert x odometry nodes, (default: 10)");
349  arg.param("guiOut", guiOut, false, "gui output while running incrementally");
350  arg.param("lambdaInit", lambdaInit, 0, "user specified lambda init for levenberg");
351  arg.param("marginalize", marginalize, false, "on or off");
352  arg.param("method", strMethod, "Gauss", "Gauss or Levenberg");
353  arg.param("gnudump", gnudump, "", "dump to gnuplot data file");
354  arg.param("o", outputfilename, "", "output final version of the graph");
355  arg.param("solver", strSolver, "var", "specify which solver to use underneat\n\t {var, fix3_2, fix6_3, fix_7_3}");
356  arg.param("stats", statsFile, "", "specify a file for the statistics");
357  arg.param("listTypes", listTypes, false, "list the registered types");
358  arg.param("renameTypes", loadLookup, "", "create a lookup for loading types into other types,\n\t TAG_IN_FILE=INTERNAL_TAG_FOR_TYPE,TAG2=INTERNAL2\n\t e.g., VERTEX_CAM=VERTEX_SE3:EXPMAP");
359  arg.paramLeftOver("graph-input", inputFilename, "", "graph file which will be processed");
361  arg.parseArgs(argc, argv);
363  if (listTypes) {
364  OptimizableGraph::printRegisteredTypes(cout, true);
365  }
367  SparseOptimizer optimizer;
368  optimizer.verbose() = verbose;
369  optimizer.setForceStopFlag(&hasToStop);
371  optimizer.method() = str2method(strMethod);
372  optimizer.solver() = str2solver(strSolver, &optimizer);
373  if (! optimizer.solver()) {
374  cerr << "Error allocating solver" << endl;
375  return 0;
376  }
377  optimizer.userLambdaInit()=lambdaInit;
379  assert (optimizer.solver());
380  ActivePathCostFunction* guessCostFunction=0;
381  if (initialGuess)
382  guessCostFunction=new ActivePathCostFunction(&optimizer);
384  cerr << "Read input from " << inputFilename << endl;
385  ifstream ifs(inputFilename.c_str());
386  if (!ifs) {
387  cerr << "Failed to open file" << endl;
388  return 1;
389  }
391  if (loadLookup.size() > 0) {
392  optimizer.setRenamedTypesFromString(loadLookup);
393  }
395  if (!optimizer.load(ifs)) {
396  cerr << "Error loading graph" << endl;
397  return 2;
398  }
400  cerr << "Loaded " << optimizer.vertices().size() << " vertices" << endl;
401  cerr << "Loaded " << optimizer.edges().size() << " edges" << endl;
403  if (optimizer.vertices().size() == 0) {
404  cerr << "HyperGraph contains no vertices" << endl;
405  return 1;
406  }
408  // HACK if schur, we wanna marginalize the landmarks...
409  if (marginalize)
410  {
411  cerr << "Preparing Marginalization of the Landmarks ... ";
412  int maxDim = -1;
413  for (HyperGraph::VertexIDMap::iterator it=optimizer.vertices().begin(); it!=optimizer.vertices().end(); it++){
414  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(it->second);
415  maxDim = (max)(v->dimension(), maxDim);
416  }
417  for (HyperGraph::VertexIDMap::iterator it=optimizer.vertices().begin(); it!=optimizer.vertices().end(); it++){
418  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(it->second);
419  if (v->dimension() != maxDim) {
420  //cerr << "m";
421  v->marginalized() = true;
422  }
423  }
424  cerr << "done." << endl;
425  }
427  // sanity check
428  //HyperDijkstra d(&optimizer);
429  //UniformCostFunction f;
430  //d.shortestPaths(optimizer.findOneOrigin(),&f);
431  //cerr << PVAR(d.visited().size()) << endl;
432  //assert (d.visited().size()==optimizer.vertices().size());
435  if (incremental) {
436  int incIterations = 1;
437  int updateDisplayEveryN = updateGraphEachN;
438  int maxDim = 0;
440  SparseOptimizer::VertexIDMap vertices = optimizer.vertices();
441  for (SparseOptimizer::VertexIDMap::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); ++it) {
442  const SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v = static_cast<const SparseOptimizer::Vertex*>(it->second);
443  maxDim = (max)(maxDim, v->dimension());
444  }
446  vector<SparseOptimizer::Edge*> edges;
447  for (SparseOptimizer::EdgeSet::iterator it = optimizer.edges().begin(); it != optimizer.edges().end(); ++it) {
448  SparseOptimizer::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<SparseOptimizer::Edge*>(*it);
449  edges.push_back(e);
450  }
451  optimizer.edges().clear();
452  optimizer.vertices().clear();
453  optimizer.verbose() = false;
455  // sort the edges in a way that inserting them makes sense
456  sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), IncrementalEdgesCompare());
458  double cumTime = 0.;
459  int vertexCount=0;
460  int lastOptimizedVertexCount = 0;
461  int lastVisUpdateVertexCount = 0;
462  bool addNextEdge=true;
463  bool freshlyOptimized=false;
464  for (vector<SparseOptimizer::Edge*>::iterator it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it) {
465  SparseOptimizer::Edge* e = *it;
466  bool optimize=false;
468  if (addNextEdge && !optimizer.vertices().empty()){
469  int maxInGraph = optimizer.vertices().rbegin()->first;
470  int idMax = max(e->vertex(0)->id(), e->vertex(1)->id());
471  if (maxInGraph < idMax && ! freshlyOptimized){
472  addNextEdge=false;
473  optimize=true;
474  } else {
475  addNextEdge=true;
476  optimize=false;
477  }
478  }
480  int doInit = 0;
481  SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v1 = optimizer.vertex(e->vertex(0)->id());
482  SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v2 = optimizer.vertex(e->vertex(1)->id());
483  if (! v1 && addNextEdge) {
484  //cerr << " adding vertex " << it->id1 << endl;
485  SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<SparseOptimizer::Vertex*>(e->vertex(0));
486  bool v1Added = optimizer.addVertex(v);
487  assert(v1Added);
488  doInit = 2;
489  if (v->dimension() == maxDim)
490  vertexCount++;
491  }
493  if (! v2 && addNextEdge) {
494  //cerr << " adding vertex " << it->id2 << endl;
495  SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<SparseOptimizer::Vertex*>(e->vertex(1));
496  bool v2Added = optimizer.addVertex(v);
497  assert(v2Added);
498  doInit = 1;
499  if (v->dimension() == maxDim)
500  vertexCount++;
501  }
503  if (addNextEdge){
504  //cerr << " adding edge " << it->id1 << " " << it->id2 << " " << it->mean << endl;
505  if (! optimizer.addEdge(e)) {
506  cerr << "Unable to add edge " << e->vertex(0)->id() << " -> " << e->vertex(1)->id() << endl;
507  }
509  if (doInit) {
510  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* from = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(0));
511  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(1));
512  switch (doInit){
513  case 1: // initialize v1 from v2
514  if (e->initialEstimatePossible(to, from)) {
515  // cerr << "init: "
516  // << to->id() << "(" << to->dimension() << ") -> "
517  // << from->id() << "(" << from->dimension() << ") " << endl;
518  e->initialEstimate(to, from);
519  }
520  break;
521  case 2:
522  if (e->initialEstimatePossible(from, to)) {
523  // cerr << "init: "
524  // << from->id() << "(" << from->dimension() << ") -> "
525  // << to->id() << "(" << to->dimension() << ") " << endl;
526  e->initialEstimate(from, to);
527  }
528  break;
529  default: cerr << "doInit wrong value\n";
530  }
531  }
533  }
535  freshlyOptimized=false;
536  if (optimize){
537  //cerr << "Optimize" << endl;
538  if (vertexCount - lastOptimizedVertexCount >= updateGraphEachN) {
539  double ts = get_monotonic_time();
540  int currentIt=optimizer.optimize(incIterations);
541  double dts = get_monotonic_time() - ts;
542  cumTime += dts;
543  //optimizer->setOptimizationTime(cumTime);
544  if (verbose) {
545  double chi2 = optimizer.chi2();
546  cerr << "nodes= " << optimizer.vertices().size() << "\t edges= " << optimizer.edges().size() << "\t chi2= " << chi2
547  << "\t time= " << dts << "\t iterations= " << currentIt << "\t cumTime= " << cumTime << endl;
548  }
549  lastOptimizedVertexCount = vertexCount;
550  }
552  if (! verbose)
553  cerr << ".";
554  addNextEdge=true;
555  freshlyOptimized=true;
556  it--;
557  }
559  if (guiOut) {
560  if (vertexCount - lastVisUpdateVertexCount >= updateDisplayEveryN) {
561  updateDisplay(cout, optimizer);
562  lastVisUpdateVertexCount = vertexCount;
563  }
564  }
566  } // for all edges
569  } else {
571  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
572  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "inputtraj", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(), true, false);
573  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
574  gnudump_features(gnudump, "inputfeatures", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end());
575  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
576  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "input", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(), true, true);
578  // BATCH optimization
579  // signal(SIGINT, sigquit_handler);
580  cerr << "Initial chi2 = " << optimizer.chi2() << endl;
582  if (statsFile!=""){
583  // allocate buffer for statistics;
584  optimizer._statistics=new G2OBatchStatistics[maxIterations];
585  }
587  int i=optimizer.optimize(maxIterations,guessCostFunction);
588  if (!i){
589  cerr << "Cholesky failed, result might be invalid" << endl;
590  }
592  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
593  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "regularopttraj", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(), true, false);
594  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
595  gnudump_features(gnudump, "regularoptfeatures", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end());
596  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
597  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "regularopt", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(), true, true);
600  cerr << "Computing chi2 statistics ";
601  double sumChi2=0.0;
602  double chi2Thres=0.0;
603  int cnt=0;
605  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it = optimizer.edges().begin(); it != optimizer.edges().end(); ++it) {
606  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*it);
607  e->computeError();
608  if(e->robustKernel())
609  e->robustifyError();
610  sumChi2 += e->chi2();
611  cnt++;
612  }
613  chi2Thres = sumChi2/cnt * 1.4;
614  cerr << " threshold=" << chi2Thres << " done" << endl;
616  cerr << "Searchin for high error edges .. ";
617  HyperGraph::EdgeSet highErrorEdges;
618  HyperGraph::EdgeSet highErrorEdgesToFeatures;
619  HyperGraph::EdgeSet edgesToOptimize;
621  HyperGraph::EdgeSet edgesToOptimize_selected;
622  HyperGraph::EdgeSet edgesToOptimize_border;
624  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it = optimizer.edges().begin(); it != optimizer.edges().end(); ++it) {
625  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*it);
626  e->computeError();
627  if(e->robustKernel())
628  e->robustifyError();
629  double edgeChi2 = e->chi2();
630  if (edgeChi2 > chi2Thres) {
632  const VertexSE2* from = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>(e->vertex(0));
633  const VertexSE2* to = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>(e->vertex(1));
635  if (from && to) {
636  highErrorEdges.insert(*it);
637  continue;
638  }
639  const VertexPointXY* tox = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>(e->vertex(1));
640  if (from && tox) {
641  highErrorEdgesToFeatures.insert(*it);
642  continue;
643  }
644  }
645  }
646  cerr << " found=" << highErrorEdges.size() << "/" << highErrorEdgesToFeatures.size() << " edges with high errors .. done" << endl;
649  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
650  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "hee", highErrorEdges.begin(), highErrorEdges.end(), true, false);
652  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
653  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "heef_", highErrorEdgesToFeatures.begin(), highErrorEdgesToFeatures.end(), true, true);
656  // fix all vertices
657  cerr << "Fixing the whole graph ";
658  for (std::map<int, HyperGraph::Vertex*>::iterator vit = optimizer.vertices().begin();
659  vit != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++vit) {
660  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*vit).second);
661  v->fixed() = true;
662  }
663  cerr << " done" << endl;
665  typedef std::pair< HyperGraph::EdgeSet, HyperGraph::EdgeSet > EdgeSetPair;
666  typedef std::vector< EdgeSetPair > EdgeSetPairVector;
668  EdgeSetPairVector myEdgeStack;
670  cerr << "Collecting clusters...";
672  while (!highErrorEdges.empty()) {
674  HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator it = highErrorEdges.begin();
676  HyperGraph::EdgeSet selected;
677  HyperGraph::EdgeSet border;
678  InvChi2CostFunction c2cost;
680  HyperGraph::Edge* start = *it;
681  bool edgesSelected = false;
683  findConnectedEdgesWithCostLimit(selected, border, start, &c2cost, 2.0/chi2Thres);
686  if (selected.size() > 10) {
687  edgesSelected = true;
688  cerr << " (" << selected.size() << ", " << border.size() << ")";
690  // high error edges and their neighbor edges will be considered for optimization
692  edgesToOptimize_selected.insert(selected.begin(), selected.end());
693  edgesToOptimize_border.insert(border.begin(), border.end());
694  edgesToOptimize.insert(selected.begin(), selected.end());
695  edgesToOptimize.insert(border.begin(), border.end());
696  }
697  else {
698  cerr << " [" << selected.size() << ", " << border.size() << "]";
699  }
701  // removed edges from that cluster from the open list of high error edges
702  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit = selected.begin(); eit != selected.end(); ++eit) {
703  HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator removeMe = highErrorEdges.find(*eit);
704  if (removeMe != highErrorEdges.end()) {
705  highErrorEdges.erase(removeMe);
706  }
707  }
709  if (edgesSelected) {
710  myEdgeStack.push_back( EdgeSetPair(selected,border) );
711  }
712  }
713  cerr << " done" << endl;
715  cerr << "Found " << myEdgeStack.size()
716  << " clusters in sum with " << edgesToOptimize_selected.size() << " high error edges"
717  << " and " << edgesToOptimize_border.size() << " border edges." << endl;
720  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
721  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "selected", edgesToOptimize_selected.begin(), edgesToOptimize_selected.end(),true, false);
723  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
724  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "border", edgesToOptimize_border.begin(), edgesToOptimize_border.end(),true, false);
726  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
727  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "reoptimizeme", edgesToOptimize.begin(), edgesToOptimize.end(),true, false);
729  cerr << "Unfixing high error edges ";
730  for (EdgeSetPairVector::iterator it = myEdgeStack.begin();
731  it != myEdgeStack.end(); ++it) {
733  // un-fix bad vertices
734  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit = (*it).first.begin(); eit != (*it).first.end(); ++eit) {
735  OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*eit);
737  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* vfrom = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(0));
738  vfrom->fixed() = false;
739  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* vto = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(1));
740  vto->fixed() = false;
741  }
742  }
743  cerr << "done" << endl;
746  // generate that for all nodes in all clusters
747  cerr << "Initialize optimization of subgraphs .. ";
748  optimizer.initializeOptimization(edgesToOptimize);
749  cerr << "done" << endl;
751  if (guessCostFunction==0)
752  guessCostFunction=new ActivePathCostFunction(&optimizer);
755  cerr << "Searching for init nodes and re-initialize subgraphs .. ";
756  for (EdgeSetPairVector::iterator it = myEdgeStack.begin();
757  it != myEdgeStack.end(); ++it) {
759  // determine good node for initialization (one out of the borders!)
760  cerr << "S";
761  HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit = (*it).second.begin();
763  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* initNode = 0;
764  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* vfrom = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*eit)->vertex(0));
765  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* vto = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*eit)->vertex(1));
767  if (vfrom && vfrom->fixed())
768  initNode = vfrom;
769  else if (vto && vto->fixed())
770  initNode = vto;
771  else
772  initNode = vfrom;
774  // reinitialize bad vertices
775  cerr << "I";
776  optimizer.initializeActiveSubsetViaMeasurements(initNode, guessCostFunction);
777  cerr << "-";
778  }
779  cerr << " .. done" << endl;
781  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
782  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "subsetinitialized", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(),true, false);
785  // run all local optimization
786  cerr << "Optimize subgraphs .. "<< endl;
787  optimizer.optimizeLoop(maxIterations);
788  cerr << "done" << endl;
790  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
791  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "subsetoptimized", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(),true, false);
794  if (0) // no effect visible, why??
795  if (highErrorEdgesToFeatures.size() > 0) {
797  HyperGraph::EdgeSet edgesToBadFeatures;
799  // fix all vertices
800  cerr << "Fixing the whole graph ";
801  for (std::map<int, HyperGraph::Vertex*>::iterator vit = optimizer.vertices().begin();
802  vit != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++vit) {
803  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*vit).second);
804  v->fixed() = true;
805  }
806  cerr << " done" << endl;
808  cerr << "Unfixing bad features";
809  for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit = highErrorEdgesToFeatures.begin();
810  eit != highErrorEdgesToFeatures.end(); ++eit) {
812  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*eit)->vertex(1));
813  v->fixed() = false;
815  edgesToBadFeatures.insert(v->edges().begin(), v->edges().end());
816  }
818  cerr << " considering " << edgesToBadFeatures.size() << " edges .. done"<< endl;
820  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
821  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "featurereinit", edgesToBadFeatures.begin(), edgesToBadFeatures.end(), true, true);
822  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
823  gnudump_features(gnudump, "featurereinitfeatures", edgesToBadFeatures.begin(), edgesToBadFeatures.end());
826  cerr << "Initialize optimization of bad features .. ";
827  optimizer.initializeOptimization(edgesToBadFeatures);
828  cerr << "done" << endl;
831  // run all local optimization
832  cerr << "Optimize bad features .. "<< endl;
833  optimizer.optimizeLoop(maxIterations/2);
834  cerr << "done" << endl;
836  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
837  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "subgraphsfinal", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(),true, false);
838  }
841  // un-fix all vertices
842  for (std::map<int, HyperGraph::Vertex*>::iterator vit = optimizer.vertices().begin();
843  vit != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++vit) {
844  OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>((*vit).second);
845  v->fixed() = false;
846  }
848  // final global optimization
849  cerr << "Initialize final optimization .. ";
850  optimizer.initializeOptimization(optimizer.edges());// ALLLL
851  cerr << "done" << endl;
852  cerr << "Optimize .. " << endl;
853  optimizer.optimizeLoop(maxIterations);
854  cerr << "done" << endl;
856  }
859  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
860  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "finaltraj", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(),true,false);
861  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
862  gnudump_features(gnudump, "finalfeatures", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end());
863  if (gnudump.size() > 0)
864  gnudump_edges(gnudump, "final", optimizer.edges().begin(), optimizer.edges().end(),true,true);
867  if (statsFile!=""){
868  cerr << "writing stats to file \"" << statsFile << "\"";
869  ofstream os(statsFile.c_str());
870  for (int i=0; i<maxIterations; i++){
871  os << optimizer._statistics[i] << endl;
872  }
873  }
877  // // HACK write landmarks to anotherfile
878  // # if 1
879  // bool hasLandmarks = false;
880  // for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it = optimizer.edges().begin(); it != optimizer.edges().end(); ++it) {
881  // const VertexSE2* from = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>((*it)->vertex(0]);
882  // const VertexPointXY* to = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>((*it)->vertex(1]);
883  // if (from && to) {
884  // hasLandmarks = true;
885  // break;
886  // }
887  // }
888  // if (hasLandmarks) {
889  // string baseName = getPureFilename(gnudump);
890  // string extension = getFileExtension(gnudump);
891  // string landmarkFilename = formatString("%s_landmarks.%s", baseName.c_str(), extension.c_str());
892  // cerr << "saving " << landmarkFilename << " ... ";
893  // fout.open(landmarkFilename.c_str());
894  // for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it = optimizer.edges().begin(); it != optimizer.edges().end(); ++it) {
895  // const VertexPointXY* to = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>((*it)->vertex(1]);
896  // if (to) {
897  // const Vector2d& p2 = to->estimate();
898  // fout << p2[0] << " " << p2[1] << endl;
899  // fout << endl;
900  // }
901  // }
902  // cerr << "done." << endl;
903  // }
904  // # endif
906  //}
908  if (outputfilename.size() > 0) {
909  cerr << "saving " << outputfilename << " ... ";
910  optimizer.save(outputfilename.c_str());
911  cerr << "done." << endl;
912  }
914  return 0;
915 }
double get_monotonic_time()
Definition: timeutil.cpp:113
statistics about the optimization
Definition: batch_stats.h:40
const Vertex * vertex(size_t i) const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:186
Command line parsing of argc and argv.
Definition: command_args.h:46
virtual double chi2() const =0
computes the chi2 based on the cached error value, only valid after computeError has been called...
int optimize(int iterations, bool online=false)
OptimizationAlgorithm * solver()
2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta)
Definition: vertex_se2.h:41
const VertexIDMap & vertices() const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:225
Vertex * vertex(int id)
returns the vertex number id appropriately casted
SparseOptimizer::Method str2method(const std::string &strMethod)
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:139
std::set< Edge * > EdgeSet
Definition: hyper_graph.h:135
int dimension() const
dimension of the estimated state belonging to this node
Protocol The SLAM executable accepts such as solving the and retrieving or vertices in the explicitly state the reprensentation poses are represented by poses by VERTEX_XYZRPY In the Quaternions and other representations could be but note that it is up to the SLAM algorithm to choose the internal representation of the angles The keyword is followed by a unique vertex ID and an optional initialization of the or edges in the explicitly state the type of the constraint pose constraints are given by pose constraints by EDGE_XYZRPY The keyword is followed by a unique edge the IDs of the referenced vertices
Definition: protocol.txt:7
double chi2() const
returns the chi2 of the current configuration
bool parseArgs(int argc, char **argv, bool exitOnError=true)
const EdgeSet & edges() const
returns the set of hyper-edges that are leaving/entering in this vertex
Definition: hyper_graph.h:151
virtual bool save(std::ostream &os, int level=0) const
save the graph to a stream. Again uses the Factory system.
RobustKernel * robustKernel() const
if NOT NULL, error of this edge will be robustifed with the kernel
const EdgeSet & edges() const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:230
void setForceStopFlag(bool *flag)
void paramLeftOver(const std::string &name, std::string &p, const std::string &defValue, const std::string &desc, bool optional=false)
virtual void computeError()=0
void gnudump_edges(string gnudump, string file_suffix, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator begin, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator end, bool dumpEdges, bool dumpFeatures)
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:220
void param(const std::string &name, bool &p, bool defValue, const std::string &desc)
bool marginalized() const
true => this node is marginalized out during the optimization
A general case Vertex for optimization.
void setRenamedTypesFromString(const std::string &types)
virtual bool load(std::istream &is, bool createEdges=true)
load the graph from a stream. Uses the Factory singleton for creating the vertices and edges...
Sort Edges for inserting them sequentially.
Definition: g2o.cpp:67
bool fixed() const
true => this node is fixed during the optimization
void findConnectedEdgesWithCostLimit(HyperGraph::EdgeSet &selected, HyperGraph::EdgeSet &border, HyperGraph::Edge *start, HyperDijkstra::CostFunction *cost, double maxEdgeCost, double comparisonConditioner)
Definition: tools.cpp:17
void updateDisplay(ostream &os, const SparseOptimizer &optimizer)
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:83
virtual bool initializeOptimization(HyperGraph::EdgeSet &eset)
virtual bool addEdge(HyperGraph::Edge *e)
virtual bool addVertex(HyperGraph::Vertex *v, Data *userData)
bool verbose() const
verbose information during optimization
Solver * str2solver(const std::string &strSolver_, SparseOptimizer *opt)
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:166
bool hasToStop
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:318
void gnudump_features(string gnudump, string file_suffix, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator begin, HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator end)
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:279
void sigquit_handler ( int q   __attribute__(unused))

Definition at line 320 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

320  {
321  hasToStop=1;
322 }
bool hasToStop
Definition: g2o-unfold.cpp:318
SparseOptimizer::Method str2method ( const std::string &  strMethod)

Definition at line 139 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

Referenced by main().

139  {
140  if (strMethod=="Gauss") {
141  cerr << "# Doing Gauss" << endl;
142  return SparseOptimizer::GaussNewton;
143  }
144  if (strMethod=="Levenberg") {
145  cerr << "# Doing Levenberg-Marquardt" << endl;
146  return SparseOptimizer::LevenbergMarquardt;
147  }
148  cerr << "# Unknown optimization method: " << strMethod << ", setting default to Levenberg" << endl;
149  return SparseOptimizer::LevenbergMarquardt;
150 }
Solver* str2solver ( const std::string &  strSolver_,
SparseOptimizer opt 

Definition at line 166 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

References g2o::strEndsWith(), and g2o::strStartsWith().

Referenced by main().

167 {
168  string strSolver = strSolver_;
169  bool useCholmod = false;
170  if (strEndsWith(strSolver, "_cholmod")) {
171  string::size_type idx = strSolver.rfind("_cholmod");
172  strSolver = strSolver.substr(0, idx);
173  useCholmod = true;
174  }
176  if (useCholmod) {
177  cerr << "Error: Cholmod is not supported in this build" << endl;
178  return 0;
179  }
180 #endif
181  if (! strStartsWith(strSolver, "pcg"))
182  cerr << "# Using " << (useCholmod ? "cholmod" : "CSparse") << " " << strSolver << endl;
183  else
184  cerr << "# Using PCG " << strSolver<< endl;
186  if (strSolver=="var") {
187  BlockSolverX::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = allocateLinearSolver<BlockSolverX>(useCholmod);
188  return new BlockSolverX(opt, linearSolver);
189  }
190  if (strSolver=="fix3_2") {
191  BlockSolver_3_2::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = allocateLinearSolver<BlockSolver_3_2>(useCholmod);
192  return new BlockSolver_3_2(opt, linearSolver);
193  }
194  if (strSolver=="fix6_3") {
195  BlockSolver_6_3::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = allocateLinearSolver<BlockSolver_6_3>(useCholmod);
196  return new BlockSolver_6_3(opt, linearSolver);
197  }
198  if (strSolver=="fix7_3") {
199  BlockSolver_7_3::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = allocateLinearSolver<BlockSolver_7_3>(useCholmod);
200  return new BlockSolver_7_3(opt, linearSolver);
201  }
202  if (strSolver == "pcg") {
204  return new BlockSolverX(opt, linearSolver);
205  }
206  if (strSolver == "pcg6_3") {
208  return new BlockSolver_6_3(opt, linearSolver);
209  }
210  if (strSolver == "pcg3_2") {
212  return new BlockSolver_3_2(opt, linearSolver);
213  }
214  cerr << "Unknown solver, setting the general but slower \"var\" "<< endl;
215  BlockSolverX::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = allocateLinearSolver<BlockSolverX>(useCholmod);
216  return new BlockSolverX(opt, linearSolver);
217 }
BlockSolver< BlockSolverTraits< 6, 3 > > BlockSolver_6_3
Definition: block_solver.h:181
linear solver using PCG, pre-conditioner is block Jacobi
Traits::LinearSolverType LinearSolverType
Definition: block_solver.h:110
BlockSolver< BlockSolverTraits< 3, 2 > > BlockSolver_3_2
Definition: block_solver.h:185
bool strStartsWith(const std::string &s, const std::string &start)
BlockSolver< BlockSolverTraits< 7, 3 > > BlockSolver_7_3
Definition: block_solver.h:183
bool strEndsWith(const std::string &s, const std::string &end)
BlockSolver< BlockSolverTraits< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > > BlockSolverX
Definition: block_solver.h:179
void updateDisplay ( ostream &  os,
const SparseOptimizer optimizer 

Definition at line 83 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.

References g2o::BaseVertex< D, T >::estimate(), g2o::SE2::rotation(), g2o::SE2::translation(), and g2o::HyperGraph::vertices().

Referenced by main(), and g2o::G2oQGLViewer::updateDisplay().

84 {
85  // TODO edges missing
86  // TODO other than 2D types missing
87  for (SparseOptimizer::VertexIDMap::const_iterator it = optimizer.vertices().begin();
88  it != optimizer.vertices().end(); ++it) {
89  const SparseOptimizer::Vertex* v = static_cast<const SparseOptimizer::Vertex*>(it->second);
90  Eigen::Quaterniond quat;
91  Eigen::Vector3d trans;
93  bool writeVertex = false;
94  bool writePoint = false;
96  const VertexSE2* v2se = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE2*>(v);
97  if (v2se) {
98  writeVertex = true;
99  trans[0] = v2se->estimate().translation()[0];
100  trans[1] = v2se->estimate().translation()[1];
101  trans[2] = 0.0;
102  static Eigen::Vector3d axis(0,0,1);
103  quat = AngleAxis<double>(v2se->estimate().rotation().angle(), axis);
104  }
106  const VertexPointXY* v2point = dynamic_cast<const VertexPointXY*>(v);
107  if (v2point) {
108  writePoint = true;
109  trans[0] = v2point->estimate()[0];
110  trans[1] = v2point->estimate()[1];
111  trans[2] = 0.0;
112  }
114  if (writeVertex) {
115  os.put('V');
116  int id = v->id();
117  os.write((char*)&id, sizeof(int));
118  os.write((char*)&trans.x(), sizeof(double));
119  os.write((char*)&trans.y(), sizeof(double));
120  os.write((char*)&trans.z(), sizeof(double));
121  os.write((char*)&quat.w(), sizeof(double));
122  os.write((char*)&quat.x(), sizeof(double));
123  os.write((char*)&quat.y(), sizeof(double));
124  os.write((char*)&quat.z(), sizeof(double));
125  }
127  if (writePoint) {
128  os.put('P');
129  os.write((char*)&trans.x(), sizeof(double));
130  os.write((char*)&trans.y(), sizeof(double));
131  os.write((char*)&trans.z(), sizeof(double));
132  }
133  }
135  // done
136  os << "F" << flush;
137 }
2D pose Vertex, (x,y,theta)
Definition: vertex_se2.h:41
const VertexIDMap & vertices() const
Definition: hyper_graph.h:225
const Eigen::Rotation2Dd & rotation() const
rotational component
Definition: se2.h:58
const EstimateType & estimate() const
return the current estimate of the vertex
Definition: base_vertex.h:99
const Vector2D & translation() const
translational component
Definition: se2.h:54

Variable Documentation

bool hasToStop =false

Definition at line 318 of file g2o-unfold.cpp.